What is the cause of screw slip teeth?
发布时间:2015-07-26 11:39:59

What is the cause of screw slip teeth?

The emergence of automatic lock screw machine has brought many convenience for the factory, because it appears to help factory improve production efficiency, save labor costs, especially in this very scarce manual labor of society, can not only save Labour cost also can improve the production efficiency, how can such automatic locking screw machine equipment is not popular among factory?

What causes the screw machine to slip? The root cause of the screw machine slip is that when adjusting the torque of the electric screwdriver, the torque of the electric screwdriver is too hight, which will cause the screw to slip during the locking operation. The torque of the product and even the number of the revolutions are strict. If the torque is too high or the number of twist turns is too high, it may result in the final locking mass, The solution to this problem is to manually adjust the torque of the electric screwdriver, but this method requires some experience to easily adjust it into place. The second is to use a torque counter to check whether the torque of the electric screwdriver exceeds the product locking torque standard and adjust for excess electric batch torque.

How to solve the automatic locking screw machine slip? When we get the product on the front page, we need to perform a trial printing operation, the final test results of the trial printing are used to determine how much the torque of the electric batch should be adjusted to ensure that it doesn't slip. In fact, most of the sliding tooth failures are caused by customers changing screws or products, resulting in inconsistent sizes of the electrical batches. Therefore, the product must be locked in the process of use, and the amount of torque required in this process must be rigorously tested to ensure the quality of the final product.

What is the cause of screw slip teeth? The above is the reason for this reason, hope this article will be helpful.
